
This program offers comprehensive training in Robotics and ROS (Robot Operating System), covering core concepts, handson practice, sensor interfacing, simulation, motion planning, Arduino integration, and advanced robot building projects. Participants will gain practical experience in building and controlling robots using ROS and various hardware components.
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13000+ Students Enrolled

What you'll learn

Program Highlights

Live Sessions

Dynamic live classes for interactive learning.

Expert Instructor

Guidance from seasoned experts ensures mastery.

Project Based Learning

Practical learning through engaging projects.

Placement Training

Enhance skills for successful job placement

Yathish N V

Platform DevOps Engineer Schneider Electric || Mentor in AI || Machine Learning
Enthusiast || RoboticsResearcher

Introducing Yathish N V, an ML DevSecOps Engineer at Schneider Electric with over 2+ years of expertise in ML, Application Development, and DevSecOps management. An avid technology explorer, algorithm enthusiast, and proficient Python developer, Yathish is currently engaged in advancing Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Science. Additionally, he’s a Data Science Rookie (Analyst) and an emerging hacker, presently delving into intriguing computer vision algorithms using OpenCV and TensorFlow, primarily centred on object detection, face recognition, motion and posture capturing, and image classification. His ultimate goal is to adapt these algorithms for implementation on Android devices.


Module 1

ROS Basics

  • Introduction to Robotics
  • ROS Introduction
  • Getting Started with ROS

Module 2

ROS Core Concepts

  • ROS PublisherSubscriber Model
  • ROS Services and ActionLib
  • ROS Simulation and Rviz

Module 3

ROS Motion Planning and Navigation

  • ROS Motion Planning: Movelt
  • ROS Kinematics: Using Movit! Navigation Stack

Module 4

Arduino Integration with ROS

  • Introduction to Arduino
  • Hardware Setup and Interfacing
  • Ultrasonic Sensor and USB Webcam Integration

Module 5

Advanced Robot Building Projects

  • Assembling 6 Wheeled Rover using kit
  • Building Wi Fi Robot
  • ROS controlled Robot using raspberryPI4
  • ⁠ROS Building Advanced Differential Drive Mobile Robot

How much does a Robotics professional make in India?

The average Robotics salary in India is 5,00,000 per annum. Entry level position starts at 2,00,000 per annum, while most experienced professional make up to 11,00,000 per annum.

Empower Your Future

Apply your skills and knowledge gained during the upskilling program to build real-world projects, showcasing your abilities and demonstrating your readiness for professional development along with earning a certificate.

Why us?

IntrnForte aims to deliver quality technical education on a one-stop, easy-to-use e-learning platform. We make learning simple and exciting. We go beyond the norms of traditional pedagogy and bring forth an innovative, interactive, and practical approach to training.

Young Industry Experts

Project Based Learning

Job Assistance

Premium Certifications

Topics Under Robotics

Introduction to robotics
Fundamentals of Robotics
Robot Programming
Robot motion analysis
Robot Applications

Milestones in Robotics

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3

Projects You Will Build

Apply your skills and knowledge gained during the upskilling program to build a real-world project, showcasing your abilities and demonstrating your readiness for professional development.

Course Pricing



₹ 5500
  • 2 Projects
  • LMS Access
  • Q&A Sessions
  • Report & Analysis
  • Quiz & Assignments
  • 21+ Live recorded sessions
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Internship Training Certificate
  • 3 Live Industry Expert Sessions
  • Placement Training

What Did Our Students
Say About Us?

A vision to educate lakhs of students with industry-level knowledge and to provide an opportunity to upskill and expand their capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no prerequisites required, as it is beginner friendly. The curiosity to learn and Forte in your career is required. Rest leave it to us!
At IntrnForte, the duration of the course would be 10 weeks, on request can be extended to 12 weeks with No charges.
At IntrnForte, you are mentored by YOUNG industrial experts who can connect students’ minds easily who are working in the industry for a good time and have a strong grasp in their domain.
Good internet connectivity with a Mobile or Laptop is required.
All your sessions and live interactions will be uploaded on your LMS account which can be viewed whenever required.
Yes, there will be projects at the end of the course as mentioned.
Yes, we will be providing the certificates as mentioned.

Free Hands-on Coding Camp

Learn coding from experts in a live environment